

3DSP Adaptive Draft-Verification for Efficient Large Language Model Decoding
X. Liu, B. Lei, R. Zhang, D. Xu
Project Web / Live Demo / Paper / Code

We introduce an LLM decoding acceleration method that requires no fine-tuning. Our approach involves an adaptive draft-verification process that evolves over time to improve efficiency. We utilize a tri-gram matrixbased LLM representation to dynamically approximate the output distribution of the LLM, allowing the model to adjust to changing token probabilities during the decoding process.

3DSP ToolNet: Connecting Large Language Models with Massive Tools via Tool Graph
X. Liu, Z. Peng, X. Yi, X. Xie, L. Xiang, Y. Liu, D. Xu
PDF (available) / Code (to appear)

We introduce ToolNet, a plug-and-play method to assists LLMs in handling massive tools. ToolNet organizes tools in a weighted directed graph (node represents tools and edges denote tool transition) based on the tool-use trajectories produced by LLMs. An LLM navigates in the graph by iteratively choosing the next one from its successors until the task is resolved. Graphs are updated online, enabling adjustment to accommodate the frequent updates of tools and new tasks.

3DSP Improving Logits-based Detector without Logits from Black-box LLMs
C. Zeng, S. Tang, X. Yang, Y. Chen, Y. Sun, Z. Xu, Y. Li, H. Chen, W. Cheng, D. Xu
[NeurIPS 2024] The 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
PDF (available) / Code (to appear)

We introduce a distribution-aligned method for black-box LLM-generated text detection. It aligns the surrogate model’s distribution with the unknown target LLMs. It enriches widely adopted zero-shot detection methods (DNA-GPT, Fast-DetectGPT, etc.) with a ‘plug-and-play’ enhancement feature.

3DSP AdaDiff: Accelerating Diffusion Models through Step-Wise Adaptive Computation
S. Tang, Y. Wang, C. Ding, Y. Liang, Y. Li, D. Xu
[ECCV 2024] The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision
PDF (available) / Code (available)

We propose an adaptive computational method that dynamically allocates computation resources in each sampling step to improve the generation efficiency of diffusion models. Our method can be seamlessly integrated into any existing diffusion models (both CNN- and Transformer-based) and can be easily combined with approaches that reduce the number of sampling steps in diffusion models.

3DSP Empowering Secondary School Teachers: Creating, Executing, and Evaluating a Transformative Professional Development Course on ChatGPT
H. Reichert, B. Tabarsi, Z. ZHang, C. Fennell, I. Bhandari, D. Robinson, M. Drayton, C. Crofton, M. Lococo, D. Xu, T. Barnes
[FIE 2024] IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 2024
PDF (to appear) / course workshop website (available)

We develop a five-session interactive course on ChatGPT's features, limitations, prompt engineering techniques, ethical considerations, and strategies for incorporating ChatGPT into teaching. Our thematic analysis highlights that after the course, teachers have a more positive & nuanced understanding of ChatGPT, with quotes with positive connotations rising from 45% to 68%.

3DSP Revolutionizing Wireless Modeling and Simulation with Network-Oriented LLMs
J. Liu, Z. Peng, D. Xu, Y. Liu
[IPCCC 2024] The 43rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference
PDF (to appear) / Code (to appear)

We have developed the first network-oriented LLM to master an end-to-end wireless optimization simulator. To enable LLM-driven simulation mechanism, we create an instruction-following dataset containing Q&A pairs generated from intricate tutorial documents. Using Sionna as a case study, we employ novel joint parameter efficient fine-tuning and retrieval-augmented generation techniques to adapt the generic LLMs into network-oriented LLMs.

3DSP Digital Twin-Assisted Data-Driven Optimization for Reliable Edge Caching in Wireless Networks
Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Peng, M. Chen, D. Xu, and S. Cui
[IEEE JSAC] IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Impact Factor: 16.4 (as of May 2024)
PDF (available) / Code (to appear) / News

We introduce D-REC, a DT-assisted reliable RL mechanism for wireless caching optimization. Unlike existing approaches, D-REC incorporates on-demand constraints, including state, reward, and action safety modules, to prioritize network reliability and sustainability.

3DSP EQ-ViT: Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design for End-to-End Acceleration of Real-Time Vision Transformer Inference on Versal ACAP Architecture
P. Dong, J. Zhuang, Z. Yang, S. Ji, Y. Li, D. Xu, H. Huang, J. Hu, A. Jones, Y. Shi, Y. Wang, P. Zhou
[CODES+ISSS 2024] The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis
PDF (to appear) / Code (to appear)

We propose EQ-ViT, an end-to-end acceleration framework with algorithm-architecture co-design features to enable real-time ViT acceleration on AMD Versal Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform.

3DSP On the Essence and Prospect: An Investigation of Alignment Approaches for Big Models
X. Wang, S. Duan, X. Yi, J. Yao, S. Zhou, Z. Wei, P. Zhang, D. Xu, M. Sun, X. Xie
[IJCAI 2024] International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Survey Track)

We comprehensively investigate value alignment approaches. We first unpack the historical context of alignment tracing back to the 1920s (where it comes from), then delve into the mathematical essence of alignment (what it is), shedding light on the inherent challenges.

3DSP Purpose Enhanced Reasoning through Iterative Prompting: Uncover Latent Robustness of ChatGPT on Code Comprehension
Y. Wang, Q. Zhao, D. Xu, X. Liu
[IJCAI 2024] International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF (to appear) / Code (to appear)

We present a modular prompting framework to solve robustness issues in code comprehension for LLMs by leveraging main-purpose reasoning guidance and iterative reasoning enhancement.

3DSP RM-Gen: Conditional Diffusion Model-Based Radio Map Generation for Wireless Networks
X. Luo, Z. Li, Z. Peng, D. Xu, Y. Liu
[IFIP/IEEE Networking 2024] International Federation for Information Processing Networking Conference
PDF (to appear) / Code (to appear)

We explore cost-effective radio map generation using generative diffusion probabilistic models, applicable to both indoor and outdoor wireless network scenarios, particularly valuable in complex scenarios where obtaining comprehensive measurements is challenging.

3DSP Embracing Unknown Step by Step: Towards Reliable Sparse Training in Real World
B. Lei, D. Xu, R. Zhang, B. Mallick
[TMLR] Transactions on Machine Learning Research
PDF / Code

We investigate for the first time the reliability of sparse training from an out-of-distribution (OOD) perspective, which jointly considers OOD reliability and efficiency and has important implications for real-world deep neural network applications.

3DSP Towards Inductive and Efficient Explanations for Graph Neural Networks
D. Luo, T. Zhao, W. Cheng, D. Xu, F. Han, W. Yu, X. Liu, H. Chen, X. Zhang
[TPAMI] IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Impact Factor: 23.6 (as of Feb 2024)
PDF / Code

We present PGExplainer, a parameterized explainer for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). PGExplainer adopts a deep neural network to parameterize the generation process of explanations and provide a global understanding of any GNN models on arbitrary machine learning tasks.

3DSP Balance is Essence: Accelerating Sparse Training via Adaptive Gradient Correction
B. Lei, D. Xu, R. Zhang, S. He, B. K. Mallick
[CPAL 2024] The 2024 Conference on Parsimony and Learning
Oral Paper
PDF / Code

We propose an adaptive gradient correction method to accelerate and stabilize sparse training. Our method reduces the number of epochs up to 52.1% compared to the leading sparse training methods. Our method is compatible with both unstructured and structured sparse training pipelines.

3DSP AutoST: Training-free Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Transformers
Z. Wang, Q. Zhao, J. Cui, X. Liu, D. Xu
[ICASSP 2024] The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
PDF / Code

We introduce AutoST, a training-free NAS method for Spiking Transformers, to rapidly identify high-performance Spiking Transformer architectures.

3DSP Students’ Perceptions and Preferences of Generative Artificial Intelligence Feedback for Programming
Z. Zhang*, Z. Dong* (Undergrad at NC State), Y. Shi, N. Matsuda, T. Price, D. Xu
[AAAI/EAAI 2024] The 14th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence

This study makes contributions to the field of computer science education, and explores the feasibility of utilizing large language models (LLMs) for automating feedback for Java programming assignments in an introductory computer science (CS1) class.


3DSP ReWOO: Decoupling Reasoning from Observations for Efficient Augmented Language Models
B. Xu, Z. Peng, B. Lei, S. Mukherjee, Y. Liu, D. Xu
PDF / Live Demo / Code / Twitter / Auto-GPT Reading / Marktechpost Media / 中文解读 1 / 中文解读 2

We present a modular ALM framework to solve multi-step reasoning by decoupling reasoning from tool feedback and observations. Theoretical decomposition of prompt tokens establishes that our method substantially reduces prompting redundancy in prevailing Thought-Action-Observation ALM systems.

3DSP Gentopia.AI: A Collaborative Platform for Tool-Augmented LLMs
B. Xu, X. Liu, H. Shen, Z. Han, Y. Li, M. Yue, Z. Peng, Y. Liu, Ziyu Yao, D. Xu
[EMNLP 2023 (System Demo Track)] The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
PDF / Web / Twitter

We present an augmented language model platform that enables flexible customization of agents through simple configurations, seamlessly integrating various language models, task formats, prompting modules, and plugins into a unified paradigm.

3DSP Accelerating Dataset Distillation via Model Augmentation
L. Zhang*, J. Zhang*, B. Lei, S. Mukherjee, X.Pan, B.Zhao, C. Ding, Y. Li, D. Xu
[CVPR 2023] The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Highlight Paper (2.5%)
PDF / Code

We propose two model augmentation techniques, i.e. using early-stage models and weight perturbation to learn an informative synthetic set with significantly reduced training cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves up to 20× speedup.

3DSP You Need Multiple Exiting: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating Unified Vision Language Model
S. Tang, Y. Wang, Z. Kong, T. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Ding, Y. Wang, Y. Liang, D. Xu
[CVPR 2023] The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
PDF / Code

We propose a novel early exiting strategy based on cascading input similarity with valid assumptions on saturation states in visual-language models, a pioneering exploration of extending early exiting selection to encoders and decoders of sequence-to-sequence architectures.

3DSP Rethinking Data Distillation: Do Not Overlook Calibration
D. Zhu, B. Lei, J. Zhang, Y. Fang, Y. Xie, R. Zhang, D. Xu
[ICCV 2023] International Conference on Computer Vision

We show that distilled data lead to not-calibratable networks due to the loss of information that is semantically meaningful but unrelated to classification tasks. We propose Masked Temperature Scaling & Distillation Training to mitigate these limitations while maintaining the efficiency.

3DSP Towards Personalized Federated Learning via Heterogeneous Model Reassembly
J. Wang, X. Yang, S. Cui, L. Che, L. Lyu, D. Xu, F. Ma
[NeurIPS 2023] The 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

This paper focuses on addressing the practical yet challenging problem of model heterogeneity in federated learning, where clients possess models with different network structures. We propose pFedHR, focusing on solving the problem of heterogeneous model cooperation.

3DSP Towards Robust Pruning: An Adaptive Knowledge-Retention Pruning Strategy for Language Models
J. Li, Q. Lei, W. Cheng, D. Xu
[EMNLP 2023] The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We aim to answer: (i) What is the core to defend against adversarial attacks for sparse language models? (ii) How can we efficiently prevent the loss of pre-trained knowledge in pruning to preserve or even enhance robustness?

3DSP Breaking through Deterministic Barriers: Randomized Pruning Mask Generation and Selection
J. Li, W. Gao, Q. Lei, D. Xu
[EMNLP 2023 (Findings)] The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

This paper introduces controllable randomness by generating binary masks in a specific random fashion. We aim to answer: (i) Which is better for pruning? a deterministic way or a randomized way? (ii) Can we design a consistently effective randomized pruning method?

3DSP Co-evolving Data-driven and NLU-driven Synthesizers for Generating Code in Domain Growth and Data Scarcity
J. Gu, Z. Nan, Z. Peng, X. Shen, D. Xu
[EMNLP 2023 Workshop] The 2023 Pattern-based Approaches to NLP in the Age of Deep Learning (Pan-DL)

We propose a circular training framework, Colead, which co-evolves both the data-driven synthesizer and the NLU-driven synthesizer to achieve high-quality code generation in the presence of data scarcity and domain growth.

3DSP Toward Efficient Traffic Signal Control: Smaller Network Can Do More
S. Li, H. Mei, J. Li, H. Wei, D. Xu
[CDC 2023] The 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
PDF (to appear)

We introduce EfficientLight, an RL-based traffic signal control method that balances model size and performance. In multi-intersection scenarios, our method outperforms all baseline methods with the lowest #paras and the smallest computational cost compared to other RL-based methods.

3DSP E-App: Adaptive mmWave Access Point Planning with Environmental Awareness in Wireless LANs
Y. Liu, M. Chen, D. Xu, Z. Yang, S. Zhao
[ICCCN 2023] The 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
Best Paper Award

We develop an adaptive access point (AP) planning approach that can accurately sense the environment dynamics, reconstruct the obstacle map, and then predict the placements of mmWave APs adaptively.

3DSP Labels Are Not Necessary: Assessing Peer-Review Helpfulness Using Domain Adaptation Based on Self-Training
C. Liu, D. Doshi, M. Bhargava, R. Shang, J. Cui, D. Xu, E. Gehringer
[BEA 2023] The 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

This study highlights the pedagogical significance of predicting useful comments in mutual assessment to promote student learning and reduces the need to collect labeled data via domain adaptation.

3DSP Towards Reliable Rare Category Analysis on Graphs via Individual Calibration
L. Wu, B. Lei, D. Xu, D. Zhou
[KDD 2023] The 29th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

How can we quantify the uncertainty in the learning process and enable reliable rare category analysis? We jointly learn the characterizations of rare categories and calibrate the confidence.

3DSP A Survey for Efficient Open Domain Question Answering
Q. Zhang, S. Chen, D. Xu, Q. Cao, X, Chen, T. Cohn, M. Fang
[ACL 2023] The 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We walk through the ODQA models and conclude the core techniques on efficiency. Quantitative analysis on memory cost, processing speed, accuracy and overall comparison are given.

3DSP Calibrating the Rigged Lottery: Making All Tickets Reliable
B. Lei, R. Zhang, D. Xu, B. K. Mallick
[ICLR 2023] The 11th International Conference on Learning Representations

We for the first time identify and study the reliability problem of sparse training and find that sparse training exacerbates the over-confidence problem of DNNs. We then develop a new sparse training method, CigL, to produce more reliable sparse models.

3DSP Exploring the Augmented Large Language Model with Mathematical tools in Personalized and Efficient Education
Zihan Dong (Undergrad at NC State), D. Xu
[ICAIBD 2023] The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

This study explores how ChatGPT personalizes the learning experience, how it can be augmented with math and physical performance, and how educators can ensure that the LLM algorithm is unbiased.

3DSP Dynamic Sparse Training via Balancing the Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off
S. Huang, B. Lei, D. Xu, H. Peng, Y. Sun, M. Xie, C. Ding
[DAC 2023] The 60th Design Automation Conference

To assist explainable sparse training, we propose important weights exploitation and weights coverage exploration to characterize sparse training. Our method does not need to train dense models, achieving up to 95% sparsity ratio and even higher accuracy than dense training, with same amount of iterations.

3DSP Neurogenesis Dynamics-inspired Spiking Neural Network Training Acceleration
S. Huang, H. Fang, K. Mahmood, B. Lei, N. Xu, B. Lei, Y. Sun, D. Xu, W. Wen, C. Ding
[DAC 2023] The 60th Design Automation Conference

We propose an energy efficient spiking neural network training workflow, and design a new drop-andgrow strategy with decreasing number of non-zero weights in the process of dynamically updating sparse mask. We demonstrate extremely high sparsity (i.e., 99%) model performance in SNN based vision tasks.

3DSP Efficient Informed Proposals for Discrete Distributions via Newton’s Series Approximation
Y. Xiang*, D. Zhu*, B. Lei, D. Xu, R. Zhang
[AISTATS 2023] The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

We develop a gradient-like proposal for any discrete distribution without this strong requirement. Built upon a locally-balanced proposal, our method efficiently approximates the discrete likelihood ratio via a Newton’s series expansion to enable a large and efficient exploration in discrete spaces.

3DSP Improving Long-tailed Classification by Disentangled Variance Transfer
Y. Tian, W. Gao, Q. Zhang, P. Sun, D. Xu
Internet of Things

We propose a class-based covariance transfer method from the perspective of disentangling to transfer covariance information in long-tailed classification task.

3DSP Auto-CAM: Label-Free Earth Observation Imagery Composition and Masking Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamics
Y. Xie, Z. Li, H. Bao, X. Jia, D. Xu, X. Zhou, S. Skakun
[AAAI 2023] The 37th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

We propose an autonomous image composition and masking method for cloud masking, a fundamental task in Earth observation problems across social sectors such as agriculture, energy, and water.

3DSP Time Series Contrastive Learning with Information-Aware Augmentations
D. Luo, W. Cheng, Y. Wang, D. Xu, J. Ni, W. Yu, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Chen, X. Zhang
[AAAI 2023] The 37th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

We propose an adaptive data augmentation method to avoid ad-hoc choices or painstakingly trial-and-error tuning for time series representation learning.


3DSP AutoDistil: Few-shot Task-agnostic Neural Architecture Search for Distilling Large Language Models
D. Xu, S. Mukherjee, X. Liu, D. Dey, W. Wang, X. Zhang, A. H. Awadallah, J. Gao
[NeurIPS 2022] The 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
PDF / Code

We develop a few-shot task-agnostic NAS framework, AutoDistil, for distilling large language models into compressed students with variable computational cost. AutoDistil outperforms leading baselines with upto 3x additional reduction in computational cost and negligible loss in task performance.

3DSP S4: a High-sparsity, High-performance AI Accelerator
I. E. Yen, Z. Xiao, D. Xu
[SNN 2022] Sparsity in Neural Networks 2022 Workshop
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We introduce the first commercial hardware platform supporting high-degree sparsity acceleration up to 32 times — S4. S4 provides a (sparse) equivalent computation power of 944 TOPS in INT8 and 472 TFLOPS in BF16, and has 20GB LPDDR4 memory with up to 72 GB memory bandwidth in a low 70 Watt power envelope. We demonstrate several-times practical inference speedup on S4 over mainstream inference platforms such as Nvidia T4.

3DSP An Automatic and Efficient BERT Pruning for Edge AI Systems
S. Huang, N. Liu, Y. Liang, H. Peng, H. Li, D. Xu, M. Xie, C. Ding
[ISQED 2022] The 23rd IEEE International Society for Quality Electronic Design
Video / PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose AE-BERT, an automatic and efficient pruning framework. AE-BERT achieves the inference time of a single BERT-BASE encoder on Xilinx Alveo U200 FPGA board that is 1.83x faster compared to Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5218 (2.30GHz) CPU.

3DSP Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-and-Finetune Paradigm
S. Huang*, D. Xu*, I. E. Yen, S. Chang, B. Li, C. Ding, et al.
[ACL 2022] The 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We study network pruning of Transformer-based language models under the pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm and propose a counter-traditional hypothesis that pruning increases the risk of overfitting when performed during the fine-tuning phase.


3DSP InfoGCL: Information-Aware Graph Contrastive Learning
D. Xu, W. Cheng, D. Luo, H. Chen, X. Zhang
[NeurIPS 2021] The 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose an information-aware contrastive learning framework for graph-structure data, and show for the first time that all recent graph contrastive learning methods can be unified by our framework.

3DSP (SparseBERT) Rethinking Network Pruning - under the Pre-train and Fine-tune Paradigm
Dongkuan Xu, Ian En-Hsu Yen, Jinxi Zhao, Zhibin Xiao
[NAACL-HLT 2021] 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We study how knowledge is transferred and lost during the pre-train, fine-tune, and pruning process, and propose a knowledge-aware sparse pruning process that achieves significantly superior results than existing literature.

3DSP Data Augmentation with Adversarial Training for Cross-Lingual NLI
Xin Dong, Yaxin Zhu, Zuohui Fu, Dongkuan Xu, Gerard de Melo
[ACL 2021] The 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We study data augmentation for cross-lingual natural language inference and propose two methods of training a generative model to induce synthesized examples to reflect more diversity in a semantically faithful way.

3DSP Deep Multi-Instance Contrastive Learning with Dual Attention for Anomaly Precursor Detection
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Cheng, Jingchao Ni, Dongsheng Luo, Masanao Natsumeda, Dongjin Song, Bo Zong, Haifeng Chen, Xiang Zhang
[SDM 2021] The 21th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We utilize multi-instance learning to model the uncertainty of precursor period, and design a contrastive loss to address the issue that annotated anomalies are few.

3DSP Multi-Task Recurrent Modular Networks
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Cheng, Xin Dong, Bo Zong, Wenchao Yu, Jingchao Ni, Dongjin Song, Xuchao Zhang, Haifeng Chen, Xiang Zhang
[AAAI 2021] The 35th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose MT-RMN to dynamically learn task relationships and accordingly learn to assemble composable modules into complex layouts to jointly solve multiple sequence processing tasks.

3DSP Transformer-Style Relational Reasoning with Dynamic Memory Updating for Temporal Network Modeling
Dongkuan Xu, Junjie Liang, Wei Cheng, Hua Wei, Haifeng Chen, Xiang Zhang
[AAAI 2021] The 35th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose TRRN to model temporal networks by employing transformer-style self-attention to reason over a set of memories.

3DSP How Do We Move: Modeling Human Movement with System Dynamics
Hua Wei, Dongkuan Xu, Junjie Liang, Zhenhui Li
[AAAI 2021] The 35th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose MoveSD to model state transition in human movement from a novel perspective, by learning the decision model and integrating the system dynamics.

3DSP Longitudinal Deep Kernel Gaussian Process Regression
Junjie Liang, Yanting Wu, Dongkuan Xu, Vasant Honavar
[AAAI 2021] The 35th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We introduce Longitudinal deep kernel Gaussian process regression to fully automate the discovery of complex multi level correlation structure from longitudinal data.


3DSP Parameterized Explainer for Graph Neural Network
Dongsheng Luo, Wei Cheng, Dongkuan Xu, Wenchao Yu, Bo Zong, Haifeng Chen, Xiang Zhang
[NeurIPS 2020] The 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose to adopt deep neural networks to parameterize the generation process of explanations, which enables a natural approach to multi-instance explanations.

3DSP Leveraging Adversarial Training in Self-Learning for Cross-Lingual Text Classification
Xin Dong, Yaxin Zhu, Yupeng Zhang, Zuohui Fu, Dongkuan Xu, Sen Yang, Gerard de Melo
[SIGIR 2020] The 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
PDF / Code / Supp / Slides

We propose a semi-supervised adversarial perturbation framework that encourages the model to be more robust towards such divergence and better adapt to the target language.

3DSP Tensorized LSTM with Adaptive Shared Memory for Learning Trends in Multivariate Time Series
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Cheng, Bo Zong, Dongjin Song, Jingchao Ni, Wenchao Yu, Yanchi Liu, Haifeng Chen, Xiang Zhang
[AAAI 2020] The 34th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Poster / Slides

We propose a deep architecture for learning trends in multivariate time series, which jointly learns both local and global contextual features for predicting the trend of time series.

3DSP Longitudinal Multi-Level Factorization Machines
Junjie Liang, Dongkuan Xu, Yiwei Sun, Vasant Honavar
[AAAI 2020] The 34th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Supp

We propose longitudinal kulti-level factorization machine, to the best of our knowledge, the first model to address these challenges in learning predictive models from longitudinal data.


3DSP Adaptive Neural Network for Node Classification in Dynamic Networks
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Cheng, Dongsheng Luo, Yameng Gu, Xiao Liu, Jingchao Ni, Bo Zong, Haifeng Chen, Xiang Zhang
[ICDM 2019] The 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
PDF / Slides

We propose an adaptive neural network for node classification in dynamic networks, which is able to consider the evolution of both node attributes and network topology.

3DSP Spatio-Temporal Attentive RNN for Node Classification in Temporal Attributed Graphs
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Cheng, Dongsheng Luo, Xiao Liu, Xiang Zhang
[IJCAI 2019] The 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PDF / Code / Poster / Slides

We propose a spatio-temporal attentive RNN model, which aims to learn node representations for classification by jointly considering both the temporal and spatial patterns of the node.

3DSP Deep Co-Clustering
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Cheng, Dongsheng Luo, Xiao Liu, Xiang Zhang
[SDM 2019] The 19th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
PDF / Code / Supp / Poster / Slides

DeepCC utilizes the deep autoencoder for dimension reduction, and employs a variant of Gaussian mixture model to infer the cluster assignments. A mutual information loss is proposed to bridge the training of instances and features.


3DSP Co-Regularized Deep Multi-Network Embedding
Jingchao Ni, Shiyu Chang, Xiao Liu, Wei Cheng, Haifeng Chen, Dongkuan Xu and Xiang Zhang
[WWW 2018] The 27th International Conference on World Wide Web
PDF / Code

DMNE coordinates multiple neural networks (one for each input network data) with a co-regularized loss function to manipulate cross-network relationships, which can be many-to-many, weighted and incomplete.

3DSP Multiple Instance Learning Based on Positive Instance Graph
Dongkuan Xu, Wei Zhang, Jia Wu, Yingjie Tian, Qin Zhang, Xindong Wu
arXiv preprint

Most multi-instance learning (MIL) methods that study true positive instances ignore 1) the global similarity among positive instances and 2) that negative instances are non-i.i.d.. We propose a MTL method based on positive instance graph updating to address this issue.

3DSP A Review of Multi-Instance Learning Research
Yingjie Tian, Dongkuan Xu, Chunhua Zhang
Operations Research Transactions, 2018

This paper reviews the research progress of multi-instance learning (MTL), introduces different assumptions, and categories MTL methods into instance-level, bag-level, and embedded-space. Extensions and major applications in various areas are discussed at last.


3DSP SALE: Self-Adaptive LSH Encoding for Multi-Instance Learning
Dongkuan Xu, Jia Wu, Dewei Li, Yingjie Tian, Xingquan Zhu, Xindong Wu
Pattern Recognition, 2017

We propose a self-adaptive locality-sensitive hashing encoding method for multi-instance learning (MIL), which efficiently deals with large MIL problems.

3DSP Metric Learning for Multi-Instance Classification with Collapsed Bags
Dewei Li, Dongkuan Xu, Jingjing Tang, Yingjie Tian
[IJCNN 2017] The 30th IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks

We propose a metric learning method for multi-instance classification, aiming to find an instance-dependent metric by maximizing the relative distance on neighborhood level.


3DSP PIGMIL: Positive Instance Detection via Graph Updating for Multiple Instance Learning
Dongkuan Xu, Jia Wu, Wei Zhang, Yingjie Tian
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03550, 2016

We propose a positive instance detection method based on multiple instance learning, of which the core idea is that true positive instances should not only be similar to themselves globally but also different from negative instances robustly.

3DSP Multi-Metrics Classification Machine
Dewei Li, Wei Zhang, Dongkuan Xu, Yingjie Tian
[ITQM 2016] The 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management
PDF (Best Paper Award)

We propose a metric learning approach called multi-metrics classification machine. We establish an optimization problem for each class (each metric) to learn multiple metrics independently.


3DSP A Comprehensive Survey of Clustering Algorithms
Dongkuan Xu, Yingjie Tian
Annals of Data Science, 2015

We introduce the definition of clustering, the basic elements involved in clustering process, and categorize the clustering algorithms into the traditional ones and the modern ones. All the algorithms are discussed comprehensively.


3DSP A Support Vector Machine-based Ensemble Prediction for Crude Oil Price with VECM and STEPMRS
Dongkuan Xu, Tianjia Chen, Wei Xu
International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2015

This paper proposes a support vector machine-based ensemble model to forecast crude oil price based on VECM and stochastic time effective pattern modelling and recognition system (STEPMRS).

3DSP A Neural Network-Based Ensemble Prediction Using PMRS and ECM
Dongkuan Xu, Yi Zhang, Cheng Cheng, Wei Xu, Likuan Zhang
[HICSS 2014] The 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science

This paper presents an integrated model to forecast crude oil prices, where pattern modelling & recognition system is used to model the price trend and error correction model is offered to forecast errors. A neural network layer is employed to integrate the results.

*Last updated on 9/27/2024*